Day Trips from Naples to the Amalfi Coast

Destination: Naples to Amalfi Coast

    1. Positano
    2. Overview: Positano, the jewel of the Amalfi Coast, is a postcard-perfect coastal village known for its colorful houses cascading down the hillside towards the sea. Meander through narrow streets lined with artisan shops and boutiques, pausing to admire the views or indulge in some limoncello tasting. The main beach, Spiaggia Grande, is a hub of activity, while Fornillo Beach offers a more secluded experience.
    3. Rating: 4.8/5
    4. Visit Duration: Morning until early afternoon
    5. Suggested Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    6. Must Try Delicacy: Fresh seafood pasta at one of the海边餐馆.

    7. Amalfi

    8. Overview: A visit to the town of Amalfi, once a powerful maritime republic, is like stepping back in time. Stroll through the historic center to the magnificent Cathedral of Sant'Andrea, adorned with its impressive staircase and vibrant mosaics. Explore the town’s Paper Museum, which showcases the ancient art of paper-making that flourished here.
    9. Rating: 4.7/5
    10. Visit Duration: Early afternoon to late afternoon
    11. Suggested Time: 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
    12. Local Specialty: Traditional limoncello and handcrafted leather goods.

    13. Ravello

    14. Overview: Perched high above the coastline, Ravello is a tranquil escape offering sweeping vistas of the Mediterranean Sea. Its gardens, particularly Villa Cimbrone and Villa Rufolo, are renowned for their exquisite beauty and have inspired countless artists and writers over the centuries. Lose yourself in the lush greenery and panoramic viewpoints before the sun sets, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.
    15. Rating: 4.9/5
    16. Visit Duration: Late afternoon until sunset
    17. Suggested Time: 5:30 PM – Sunset
    18. Don't Miss: A sunset concert at Villa Rufolo, if available during your visit.

    Title of the Day: "Coastal Escapades: Naples to Amalfi's Scenic Wonders"