
Jiangxi Two-Day Sojourn: A Journey Through Ancient Wonders and Natural Serenity

Immerse yourself in the historical richness and natural tranquility of Jiangxi over two days, exploring ancient villages, majestic mountains, and savoring local delicacies.

2024-08-15 00:00 - 2024-08-16 00:00
Day 1

Porcelain Marvels and Riverine Scenery

Unearthing the Artistry of Jingdezhen and Cruising the Picturesque Poyang Lake

  1. Wuyuan Ancient Villages (9:00-12:00)
  2. Detailed Description: Begin your journey at Wuyuan, often referred to as the 'most beautiful village in China.' The ancient villages here, such as Likeng and Hongcun, are renowned for their well-preserved Ming and Qing Dynasty architecture, meandering waterways, and picturesque landscapes adorned with blooming rapeseed flowers in spring. Stroll through the narrow cobblestone streets, admire the traditional Hui-style houses, and feel the centuries-old stories seeping through every tile and brick. Rating: 4.8/5
  3. Visit Duration: Approximately 3 hours
  4. Afterward, enjoy a traditional lunch featuring Wuyuan's famous smoked tofu and bamboo shoots.

  5. Lushan Mountain (14:00-18:00)

  6. Detailed Description: Venture to Lushan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its breathtaking scenery and historical significance. With peaks soaring above clouds, serene waterfalls, and a rich cultural heritage that includes ancient temples and poets' inspirations, Lushan offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural exploration. Take a cable car ride for panoramic views and hike along the mountain trails to fully appreciate its majesty. Rating: 4.7/5
  7. Visit Duration: Around 4 hours
  8. Savor dinner featuring Lushan's specialty—steamed fish in soy sauce.

Day 2:

Title: Porcelain Marvels and Riverine Scenery

  1. Jingdezhen Ceramic Art Village (9:00-12:00)
  2. Detailed Description: Dive into the 'Porcelain Capital of China,' Jingdezhen, where pottery has been crafted for over 1,700 years. Visit workshops where artisans meticulously shape, paint, and fire their creations, continuing an ancient tradition. Explore the Ceramic Art Village to witness the entire process from raw clay to finished masterpiece, and perhaps try your hand at creating your own ceramic piece. Rating: 4.6/5
  3. Visit Duration: About 3 hours
  4. Lunchtime invites you to taste the local favorite, Jingdezhen rice noodles.

  5. Poyang Lake Cruise (14:00-18:00)

  6. Detailed Description: Conclude your trip with a scenic cruise on Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake. As the sun casts its golden glow across the vast waters, observe migratory birds flying overhead and the unique fisherman's culture that thrives around the lake. The cruise offers a tranquil endnote to your journey, allowing you to reflect on Jiangxi's harmonious blend of nature and culture. Rating: 4.5/5
  7. Visit Duration: Approximately 4 hours
  8. Before departure, don't miss the chance to indulge in a farewell dinner featuring the regional specialty, Poyang Lake fish hotpot.